Bowtreader FAQ’s

Where are we located?

Bowtreader is located on the edge of downtown by GSU in Statesboro, GA. Our address is:


16648 Highway 67 Statesboro, GA 30458

Give us a call with any questions. 912-225-1630 

Do we ship bows?

Absolutely! While not all bows are available to be shipped we have a wide selection of bows that can be shipped right to your door. One of the most important aspects of Bowtreader is that we are a service shop, which means we follow through in making sure you can safely get outdoors and shoot as long as you have your bow. We do encourage you to find a local bow shop who is committed to their customers… or come pay us a visit!

How fast can we get strings in?

Typically strings come in fairly fast… until bow season. Unfortunately, once deer season starts, there isn’t a whole lot we can do to get them in fast. Orders can be two weeks to a month out which is longer than most hunters are willing to wait. We encourage you to get strings in the summer or before the season is in! Either way, we are happy to help you get strings on your bow as fast as possible.

Do we offer classes?

Yes! We offer in-person (felt like we had to clarify…) classes at our store in Statesboro for all ages. Beginners classes typically go for about $20 per class, while any beginner buying a bow gets the run-down automatically. We have an indoor range to stay cool as well as a place to shoot outside! Contact us about lessons at

Do we let people shoot before they buy?

You bet! The same indoor range we use for lessons and testing is also a great place to try out bows before you make your choice! We understand how it is when it comes to buying a bow. We are here to help answer your questions while allowing you to see how the bows operate for yourself.

9,000+ Color Combinations
Minimal String Rotation
Premium Quality Only the best
Hand-made by our bow techs
Pre-waxed for extra durability
Every Model no matter what bow you have
Faith Living a vertical mission
Family Owned and operated
Outdoor Sports Our focus
Community Our privilege